Clear Maze Tech

European Union – Consumer Rights

Client: European Commission Market: UE Clear Maze Tech was commissioned to create and develop a mobile application to offer full […]
European Union Consumer rights App - case study featured image

Client: European Commission

Market: UE

Clear Maze Tech was commissioned to create and develop a mobile application to offer full information about the Consumers Rights in a very accessible and structured way.  


The Consumer Rights Directive gives consumers the same strong rights across the UE and it aligns and harmonies national consumer rules, in all consumers aspects like for example on the information consumers need to be given before they purchase something, and their right to cancel online purchases, wherever they shop in the EU.

In June 2014, when the Consumer Rights Directive entered into application, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission published a guidance document in all EU languages to facilitate the effective application of the Directive.

At that moment become important the information to be well known and received by consumers using the latest technologies available and among other channels EC commissioned Clear Maze to develop a mobile application.


Clear Maze has created a very accessible mobile application, “UE Consumers Rights”, built around the consumers rights, European Institutions and how a customer can submit easily a complain when his rights are violated.

The Consumers Rights mobile app reinforce the basic consumers rights by teaching European citizens what their rights and obligations are, how to manage rights violation situation and how to submit a complain to the appropriate consumer rights authority.  

Project Description

The Consumers Rights App is an information application. It’s a tool that help customers and build the habit to claim their rights when make a purchase or use a service across the UE.

The app is built around the main “know your rights” feature and has integrated a “3 steps form” about how to make a complain. Other features are present, like information about the UE and European Commission, information about the communication campaigns and events across the Europe related to consumer rights.


Consumer Rights mobile application has radically increased the awareness around the European consumers rights and popularized the Consumer Rights Directive.

The application had 5 successive versions and updates until the 2019 when was decommissioned when European Commission changed the focus and approach.

  • 5 updating versions
  • Available for Apple and Android devices
  • Over 200,000 all time downloads.
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